1、其实父爱如茶,苦涩在口,甘甜在心头。 In fact, father love is like tea, bitter in the mouth, sweet in the heart. 2、父爱是冬天的阳光,温暖如春。 Father's love is the sunshine in winter, warm as spring. 3、爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。 Dad's care is like an umbrella, sheltering me from the storm. 4、父爱是一曲高山流水,当你浮躁时,使你如梦方醒。 Father's love is a song of mountains and rivers. When you are impetuous, it wakes you up like a dream. 5、劳苦功高,送给做老爸的您,愿您安享天年。 With hard work and great achievements, I wish you a happy life as your father. 6、父亲的目光是智慧高远的,是比夜还要深邃的。 Father's eyes are wise and far-reaching, deeper than the night. 7、在我心里,爸爸,你是最伟大,你是最勇敢的! In my heart, Dad, you are the greatest, you are the bravest! 8、父亲是一棵松,撑起生命的晴空。 Father is a pine, supporting the clear sky of life. 9、您朴实无华的父爱,是我生命中永远的太阳! Your simple and unadorned father's love is the eternal sun in my life! 10、爸爸的眼里,充满了期盼,努力拼搏是对你的回报。 Dad's eyes, full of expectations, hard work is your reward. 11、累了就歇歇吧,父亲节了,祝您康健! Take a rest when you're tired. On Father's Day, I wish you good health. 12、父亲是片海,擎起了太阳,放飞天空的翅膀。 Father is a sea, holding up the sun, flying the wings of the sky. 13、父爱宛若地阔,愿父亲健康快乐。 Father's love is like a vast land. May father be healthy and happy. 14、我是马儿,你便是鞭,催我奋力冲向前。 I am a horse, you are the whip, urge me to rush forward. 15、您用大海的胸怀,包容了我少不更事的调皮捣蛋。 With the mind of the sea, you have tolerated my naughty tricks. 16、是您,给我一种爱,让我一生永回忆。 It's you, give me a kind of love, let me remember forever in my life. 17、是您,给我一个家,让我不惧风雨来袭。 It's you, give me a home, let me not fear the storm. 18、是您孜孜不倦的教诲,为我前程点燃了一盏明灯。 It is your tireless teachings that light a lamp for my future. 19、亲爱的爸爸,您的一生都在劳碌着,但却又快乐着。 Dear Dad, you have been working hard all your life, but you are happy. 20、天地之间,父爱最真,父爱最深。 Between heaven and earth, fatherly love is the most true, fatherly love is the deepest. 21、数数天上的星星,愿父亲幸福康宁。 Count the stars in the sky and wish my father happiness and well-being. 22、风吹雨打尝苦甜,父亲的关怀最温暖。 Father's care is warmest when the wind blows and the rain beats bitter and sweet. 23、父爱可以牺牲自己的一切,包括自己的的生命。 Father love can sacrifice everything, including his own life. 24、父亲是一盏灯,照亮你的美梦。 Father is a lamp, illuminating your dream. 25、父亲是课本,让我们懂得人性尊严。 Father is a textbook, let us understand human dignity. 26、您**燃烧的岁月,给我人生拼搏的动力。 Your passionate years give me the motivation to fight for life. 27、虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。 Although you are not easy to express, but I know you have always been concerned about me. 28、您坚定必胜的信念,给我直面人生的勇气。 You firmly believe in victory, give me the courage to face life directly. 29、父亲的臂膀,是有力的,打拼出家的幸福。 Father's arm, is powerful, fighting for the happiness of home. 30、父亲汗水流身上,辛劳藏心里,总说不累。 Father sweat body, hard heart, always say not tired. 31、父亲的爱永铭心中,刻骨不忘。 Father's love will never be forgotten. 32、愿化作一缕清风,抚平父亲脸上岁月的沧桑。 Wish to become a wisp of breeze, calm the vicissitudes of life on father's face. 33、父爱是一四季度开花的树,花香四溢。 Father's love is a tree that blossoms in the fourteenth quarter. 34、父亲我想你,你是我生命里永远的太阳。 Father I miss you, you are the eternal sun in my life. 35、父亲是片海,擎起了太阳,放飞希望的翅膀。 Father is a sea, holding up the sun, flying the wings of hope. 36、任时光飞逝,你依旧是我心中的超人。 As time goes by, you are still the superman in my heart. 37、父亲是一座山,让你攀升领略山顶的风光。 Father is a mountain, let you climb to enjoy the scenery of the top. 38、父亲节,把最真的、最深的、最早的祝福送给父亲。 Father's Day, the most real, deepest and earliest wishes to my father. 39、赏赏最美的霞光,愿父亲健健康康。 Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine. May father be healthy and healthy. 40、父爱是指南针,有了它不会迷失方向。 Father's love is the compass, with it will not lose its way. 41、父爱在沧桑皱纹里,一杠一杠刻满情意。 Father's love in the vicissitudes of life wrinkles, one bar at a barrel engraved with affection. 42、父亲节爱心连线,一头是他,一头是你! Father's Day love connection, one end is him, one end is you! 43、爸爸,谢谢你,辛苦地将我培育。 Thank you, Dad, for your hard work in nurturing me. 44、愿我最虔诚的祝福,带给你无尽的喜悦。 May my most sincere wishes bring you endless joy. 45、父亲,愿健康平安与您同行,快乐幸福与您常伴! Father, I wish you health and safety, happiness and your constant companionship! 46、父亲节了,说声爱您,像您爱着我! Father's Day, say love you, like you love me! 47、父爱一直陪伴着我,无论我走到何方。 Father's love has always accompanied me wherever I go. 48、父亲节到,由衷地说一声:爸爸,谢谢你! Father's Day arrives, sincerely say: Dad, thank you! |